Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Godly Marriage blog

If you were following us on the C4 blog we have decided to change things up a little.  We welcome you and would love for you to continue to follow us on this new blog (agodlymarriage.blogspot.com) as we continue on the adventure we call Marriage.

Marriage is God’s idea, not something humanity has invented on our own, and so this is uniquely a God idea.  Evidence of this is in Genesis 2:18 “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”   This is where the idea behind the title A Godly Marriage” was developed and this is where we will share our heart and what we feel God is guided us to write.  Sometimes we think the problems in our marriage are so insurmountable that leaving, or worse staying in a miserable marriage, is our new normal.  If God invented this marriage thing, gave it to Adam and Eve and said “Here I gave you everything you need, enjoy” (Tim’s words you won’t find that quote in the bible) don’t you think He may have given us instructions, examples and/or people with wisdom to guide us along this journey?  I am going to say the answer is yes.

So for the next 12 weeks we will take a journey into “What you need to know about the Inner Lives of Men” and “A Straightforward Guide Mapping the Inner Lives of Women”  from the books For Women Only & For Men Only by Jeff and Shanunti Feldhahn.  These two books have been pivotal in teaching both of us how to love our spouse in a way that they truly desire to be loved.  We feel these two books are a “must have” for any marriage so if you would like to read along with us click on the titles of the books for more information or about purchasing.  This marriage journey is not meant to be easy (Adam & Eve assured us of that) and I promise if you desire a change in the way you think and feel about the opposite sex you will find it in these resources.  Okay, are you ready to be changed?  Are you ready to open up the hearts and minds of your spouse and finally figure out what is really going on in there?  If the answer is yes then stay tuned for the beginning of a life, and most important a marriage, changing 12 part series. 

Tim & Crystal Breaux


  1. Hey Tim and Crystal, I just wanted to tell you that these blogs are a true blessing and thanks for including me in these. The “Man’s Burden” really touched my heart and has shown me some frustrations in my marriage. If I’ve never said it before, I really appreciate what you are doing.


  2. Thanks, Tim!
    Wonderful insight. I’ve learned some about Kelly and also some about myself. I have to say I’ve been blessed with a truly great wife. We just celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. If she put up with me this long, I’m blessed!

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